Coaching Philosophy
My approach to coaching can be best described using the 1800’s definition of a coach. If you looked up “coach” in an 1800’s dictionary- what would it say? Back then, they didn’t think of someone yelling directions or even throwing chairs as a coach (worst examples- I understand).
A coach in the 1800’s “helped a person of value (not everyone rode in coaches) travel from where they were to a preferred destination”. I have insight as an experienced consultant and I lead training (both are valuable roles) however, most of my coaching is focused on The Talent (you) and the direction you desire to go. Therefore, I use a lot of questions and focus on development.
If you are interested in talking about what that might look like for you - give me a call (813.421.1134) or email (
My Family
Sandy and I were married in 1978 (we were both in our early teens, LOL). Back then I coached high school football and basketball in West Tennessee. We have two grown children: Hal (the 4th) and Ashley.
My son, Hal4, is married to Chrissy Mayer and they live in Tampa and have two sons, Hal5 and Dax. Hal4 is a pastor at Grace Family Church in Tampa and Chrissy serves on staff in the married’s ministry.
My daughter Ashley is married to Sam Updike. They have three kids: Ella, Sam and JJ. They live in Nocatee, FL. Sam is a software developer and Ashley is a Dr. of Physical Therapy.
Fun fact: my grandkids call me Poggy. Our first grandchild, Ella, couldn’t say Grandpa and flipped it. She started calling me Poggy and it stuck. Sandy and I do an annual Camp Poggy. It is at the beach during vacation. We make it a lot of fun.
Camp Poggy 2021