My new book : Transforming

I began my journey as a Christ-Follower during my sophomore year of high school. Gradually, God started to transform me from the inside out. In the years that followed, my faith grew significantly. I dove into the Bible regularly, shared my faith with others, and developed a strong passion for following Jesus.  Although I was growing in my faith, I had not established a daily rhythm of Bible study, prayer and journaling.

However, a turning point came during my second year as a student pastor when a friend shared with me how to establish a daily practice of spending time with God. This practice involved reading the Bible for personal application, prayer, and journaling the lessons God was teaching me. It ignited a deep passion within me, and I began incorporating this practice into my training for students.

For over 40 years now, I've maintained a daily commitment to this practice and have had the privilege of teaching many others how to do the same. The book I'm sharing with you is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you, and others, embark on your own journey of transformation. I've set its price as low as Amazon permits, as my goal is to make it accessible to everyone.

Take a look and I hope it inspires and guides you on your path to a closer relationship with God.

God’s best


BTW- here are the price points

  • Kindle- $.99

  • Paperback- $4.00

  • Hardback- $12.00

Here is the link to the book on Amazon.

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