Coaching Philosophy
My approach to coaching can be best described using the 1800’s definition of a coach. If you looked up “coach” in an 1800’s dictionary- what would it say? Back then, they didn’t think of someone yelling directions or even throwing chairs as a coach (worst examples- I understand).
A coach in the 1800’s “helped a person of value (not everyone rode in coaches) travel from where they were to a preferred destination”. I have insight as an experienced consultant and I lead training (both are valuable roles) however, most of my coaching is focused on The Talent (you) and the direction you desire to go. Therefore, I use a lot of questions and focus on development.
If you are interested in talking about what that might look like for you - give me a call (813.421.1134) or email (Hal@halmayer.com).
My Family
Sandy and I were married in 1978 (we were both in our early teens, LOL). Back then I coached high school football and basketball in West Tennessee. We have two grown children: Hal (the 4th) and Ashley.
My son, Hal4, is married to Chrissy Mayer and they live in Tampa and have two sons, Hal5 and Dax. Hal4 is a pastor at Grace Family Church in Tampa and Chrissy serves on staff in the married’s ministry.
My daughter Ashley is married to Sam Updike. They have three kids: Ella, Sam and JJ. They live in Nocatee, FL. Sam is a software developer and Ashley is a Dr. of Physical Therapy.
Fun fact: my grandkids call me Poggy. Our first grandchild, Ella, couldn’t say Grandpa and flipped it. She started calling me Poggy and it stuck. Sandy and I do an annual Camp Poggy. It is at the beach during vacation. We make it a lot of fun.
Camp Poggy 2021
Smart Ask?
Questions that lead your team to win
How Do You Lead Your Team To Win?
Leaders who lead with questions are often 3 to 10 times more effective than leaders who lead by telling. You might be wondering how that is possible. Let me ask you a silly question: “If you were in a rowboat with your whole team and there were oars for everyone, and your goal was to get to the other side of the lake as quickly as possible, how many of them would you like to have row with you?” Of course, all of them! I told you this was a silly question. But now, imagine your team is gathered around your conference table, and you are trying to figure out the fastest way across the lake – i.e., the fastest way to take advantage of an opportunity that has presented itself. Why would you want to be the only one with your oar in the water? Bob Tiede

Interested in working together?
Fill in one of the forms below and I will schedule an appointment as soon as possible.
